David Bowie BBC Session


1968-05-13 london ,Studio Piccadilly 1 ,Recording Top Gear ,BBC Radio 1:


BBC Radio 1
Recorded: 13 May 1968
Broadcast: 26 May 1968 > repeated 20 June 1968

01. In The Heat Of The Morning .
02. London Bye Ta Ta .
03. Karma Man .
04. Silly Boy Blue (was not originally broadcast).

but the last song was not broadcast. ‘When I’m Five’ was released in 1982 as B-side of the ‘Love You Till Tuesday’ outtake on the DREAM DM 100 bootleg single. As it was used in 1969 for the “Love You Till Tuesday” film, the song in 1984 officially appeared on its soundtrack and ultimately on the Deluxe Edition of David Bowie. The other songs appeared for the first time on Bowie At The Beeb. And this bootleg The Ultimate BBC Radio Recording Sessions 1967-2002 (BOX SET - Magic Bus MB-06)


In The Heat Of The Morning — the first lines are similar to the studio version: “The blazing sunset in your eye will tantalize every man who looks your way/I watch them sink before you gazed/Senorita, sway/Dance with me before their frozen eyes”; Silly Boy Blue —”Lamas are walking the Botella lane” and Bowie sings a repeated “Chimi Chimi Chimi”. Karma Man and London Bye Ta-Ta were played for a politely clapping audience on the 05-02-70 Sunday Show, and When I’m Five was played only this once



David Bowievocals and guitar
The Tony Visconti Orchestra(Fourteen Musicians)
Herbie Flwersbass
Barry Morgendrums
John McLaughlinguitar
Alan Hawkshawkeyboards
Tony Visconti and Steve Peregrin Tookbacking vocals


The Bootlegs



1967-12-18 London ,Piccadilly Studio 1 ,Recording TOP GEAR ,BBC Radio 1 Sessions.


Recorded 18 December 1967

Broadcast 1967-12-24 and repeated on  1968-01-28

  • Love You Till Tuesday
  • When I Live My Dream
  • Little Bombardier
  • Silly Boy Blue

All songs scored and performed by Arthur Greenslade and his 16 piece orchestra; individual musicians unknown. David Bowie: vocals and guitar. Produced: Bernie Andrews. Starman In Session (Silver Rarities SIRA 93) features ‘Love You Till Tuesday’, ‘When I Live My Dream’, ‘Little Bombardier’ and ‘Silly Boy Blue’ from this session, and ‘Love You Till Tuesday’ and ‘In The Heat Of The Morning’ were used for the “Bowie At The Beeb” program; see note to the next session. The entire session has been released on the Emerged From Shadows (EDB 001) bootleg; in 2010 it was officially released on the Deluxe Edition of David BowieThe Ultimate BBC Radio Recording Sessions 1967-2002 (BOX SET - Magic Bus MB-06)    

The Bootlegs


1969-10-20 London ,Studio 2 ,Aeolian Hall ,The Dave Lee Travid Show ,BBC Radio 1


BBC Radio 1
Recorded: 20 October 1969
Broadcast: 26 October 1969

01 - Interview Dave Lee Travis.
02 - Unwashed & Somewhat Slightly Dazed.
03 - Interview By Brian Matthew .
04 - Let Me Sleep Beside You .
05 - Janine – 1969 BBC.

‘Unwashed And Somewhat Slightly Dazed’ and ‘Janine’ were repeated on the 05-02-70 show, but the latter versions are easily separated by the applause of the audience.

David Bowievocals ,acoustic 12 string guitar
plus Juniors Eyes 
Mick Wayneguitar
Tim Remwickrhythm guitar
John Lodgebass guitar
John Cambridgedrums


‘Let Me Sleep Beside You’ and an accompanying short interview with Brian Mathew (both featured on the “Bowie At The Beeb” broadcast) have been issued on the BBC Sessions 1969-1972 Sampler. The complete session, taken from the unreleased NMC BBC 3CD set, has appeared on Kiss The Viper’s Fang And this bootleg released in 2017  The Ultimate BBC Radio Recording Sessions 1967-2002 (BOX SET - Magic Bus MB-06)

The official Bowie At The Beeb CD has the same interview plus ‘Let Me Sleep Beside You’ and ‘Janine’. In 2009, the entire session was included on the 40th Anniversary Edition of Space Oddity



1970-02-05 London ,BBC Paris Studio ,The Sunday Show BBC Radio 1


BBC Radio 1 Recorded: 5 February 1970 Broadcast: 8 February 1970

01. Amsterdam.
02. God Knows Im God.
03. Buzz The Fuzz.
04. Karma Man.
05. London Bye Ta Ta.
06. An Occasional Dream.
07. The Width Of A Circle.
08. Janine.
09. Wild Eyed Boy From Freecloud.
10. Unwashed And Somewhat Slightly Dazed.
11. Fill Your Heart.
12. I'm Waiting For The Man (Not Broadcast)
13. The Prettiest Star.
14. Cygnet Committee.
15. Memory Of A Free Festival

‘Waiting For The Man’ was recorded but not broadcast (and is now lost), Memory Of A Free Festival’ was edited down from 6’40” to 3’12”. The BBC didn’t include tracks from this show on their “Bowie At The Beeb" broadcast, because the master tape had accidentally been wiped. To everybody’s surprise, a cassette taped from the radio in 1970 surfaced in 1984. Nobody complained that the sound quality was rather poor, John Peel’s introductions had crudely been edited out and ‘Memory Of A Free Festival’ was missing altogether. The first bootleg LP issue in 1984 was No More Sleeping With Ken Pitt , re-released as We Were So Turned On (idem), and London Studios (idem). A year later, Janine  appeared, on which the sound quality was much better and the original running order of the songs was restored. This album was reissued on CD as The Day And The Moon ; many re-releases have since followed, i.e. A Semi-Acoustic Love Affair , which has been made from a cassette, and is not a straight copy of Janine. And this bootleg released in 2017  The Ultimate BBC Radio Recording Sessions 1967-2002 (BOX SET - Magic Bus MB-06) As the master tape had been wiped, Bowie himself came to the rescue and offered his personal copy of the show for the Bowie At The Beeb CD. It is absolutely great to hear Amsterdam/God Knows I’m Good/The Width Of A Circle/Unwashed And Somewhat Slightly Dazed/Cygnet Commitee/Memory Of A Free Festival and John Peel’s commentary in (almost) impeccable sound quality. It certainly makes one long for a complete release one day

David Bowievocals ,guitar ,keyboard
Plus The Tony Visconti Trio
Tony Viscontibass
Mick Ronsonguitar
John cambridgedrums



1970-03-25 London ,The Playhouse Theatre - Sounds Of The 70's: Anfy Ferrris Show - BBC Radio 1


BBC Radio 1 Recorded: 25 March 1970 Broadcast: 6 April 1970 > 1970-05-11 repeated on the David Symonds Show ,Studio The Playhouse Theatre London 01. Waiting for the Man. 02. Width of a Circle 03. Wild Eyed Boy from Free cloud 04. Superman (Not Broadcast BBC 25-03-1970). These versions are easily recognized by the distinctive heavy Hype sound. Although ‘Waiting For The Man’ was done twice later for the BBC, this version with its opening power chording cannot be mistaken. Many sources claimed that ‘Supermen’ from this session was found on The ’69 Tapes  ,Little Soldier and and MissingLinksOneZiggy  CDs, but this definitely is not true; this version is a demo. The BBC version can be identified by a slower tempo and the line “And icy-cold in super fear, their endless tragic lives would stretch beyond the lavish gift, infinity, existing perverse serenity”, whereas Bowie sings “Gloomy browed with super fear, their tragic, endless lives, could heave nor sigh, the flesh machines, marble age, wondrous beings chained to live” in the demo on The ’69 Tapes and Little Soldier. And this bootleg released in 2017  The Ultimate BBC Radio Recording Sessions 1967-2002 (BOX SET - Magic Bus MB-06)

David Bowievocals and guitar
Tony Viscontibass
John Cambridgedrums
Mick Ronsonguitar
EngineerNick Gomm
Produced byBernie Andrews





1971-06-03 London ,BBC Paris Studio - In Concert: John Peel - BBC Radio 1


BBC Radio 1
Recorded: 3 June 1971
Broadcast: 20 June 1971

01. Bombers .
02. Queen Bitch.
03. The Supermen.
04. Looking For A Friend.
05. Almost Grown . (lead vocals: Geoffrey Alexander)
06. Kooks. 07. Song For Bob Dylan. (lead vocals: George Underwood)
08. Andy Warhol(lead vocals: Dana Gillespie)
09. It Ain’t Easy. (lead vocals: Bowie, Alexander, Underwood)

DJ John Peel introduces the songs end gives the audience some information on Bowie. The audience in the studio is limited and there is soft clapping after each song.

‘Oh! You Pretty Things’ was not broadcast, and “does not remain on archive” according to the notes of Bowie At The Beeb. This show has a long bootleg history: nearly the entire transmission (only small parts of John Peel’s introductions are missing) was released already in 1978 on Ziggy 2 . Queen Bitch/The Supermen/Looking For A Friend/Kooks/Song For Bob Dylan/It Ain’t Easy were released on a BBC transcription disc called Pick Of The Pops For Your , while the “Bowie At The Beeb” broadcast re-aired ‘Bombers’, ‘Looking For A Friend’, ‘Almost Grown’ and ‘Kooks’. The complete show (minus ‘Oh! You Pretty Things’), taken from the NMC set, appeared on Kiss The Viper’s Fang And this bootleg released in 2017  The Ultimate BBC Radio Recording Sessions 1967-2002 (BOX SET - Magic Bus MB-06)

Bowie At The Beeb features Bombers/Looking For A Friend/Almost Grown/Kooks/Andy Warhol/It Ain’t Easy. It’s interesting to note that Queen Bitch/The Supermen/Looking For A Friend/Kooks/Song For Bob Dylan/It Ain’t Easy were released on the BBC transcription disc BBC Pick Of The Pops For Your DJó349 in stereo; all other sources are in mono.

Identifiers: although some of the songs were repeated in other BBC sessions (e.g. ‘The Supermen’, ‘Queen Bitch’), this was a live set and all the tracks can be identified by the audience politely clapping after each song, or by the guest singers


David Bowiepiano, 12-string guitar;
Mark Carr-Pritchardguitar;
Mick Ronsonguitar;
Trevor Bolderbass
George Underwoodvocals and backing vocals
Dana Gillespievocals and backing vocals
Geoffrey Alexandervocals and backing vocals
Produced byJeff Griffin




1971-09-21 London ,Studio T1 ,Kensington House - Sounds Of The 70's - Bob Harris - BBC Radio 1


BBC Radio 1
Recorded: 21 September 1971
Broadcast: 4 October 1971 > 10:00pm

01. The Supermen.
02. Oh! You Pretty Things – Eight Line Poem.
03. Kooks.
04. Fill Your Heart.
05. Amsterdam . (not broadcast)
06. Andy Warhol . (not broadcast)

"Amsterdam" and Andy "Warhol" were not broadcast


David Bowievocals ,guitar ,piano
Mick Ronsonbass ,lead guitar ,vocals



The last two tracks were not broadcast. For a long time, 'The Supermen' was the only track available to collectors (a/o on Ziggy 1 - My Radio Sweetheart . 'Supermen' was also part of the "Bowie At The Beeb" transmission; 'Andy Warhol' appeared on the BBC Sessions 1969-1972 Sampler. Only just in 1998, the entire session (including a false start in 'Andy Warhol') became available in very good sound quality on Oh! You Pretty Thing . A year later, Nobody's Children  was copied from the NMC 3CD set.

'Andy Warhol' has appeared on the official BBC Sessions 1969-1972 Sampler. Although labeled "A valuable record of a David Bowie/Mick Ronson solo performance effected mainly around London in the summer and autumn of 1971", the US and European editions of Bowie At The Beeb only use 'The Supermen' and 'Eight Line Poem' from this session. The Japanese edition additionally has 'Oh! You Pretty Things'.

And this bootleg released in 2017  The Ultimate BBC Radio Recording Sessions 1967-2002 (BOX SET - Magic Bus MB-06)





1972-01-11 London ,T1 ,Kensington House Studio - Sounds Of The 70's: John Peel - BBC Radio 1


BBC Radio 1
Recorded: 11 January 1972
Broadcast: 28 January 1972

01. Ziggy Stardust
02. Hang On To Yourself
03. Queen Bitch
04. Waiting For The Man
05. Lady Stardust


David Bowievocals and guitar
Mick Ronsonguitar, piano and backing vocals
Trevor Bolderbass
Mick Woodmanseydrums
Produced byJeff Griffin


The liner notes of BBC Sessions 1969-1972 Sampler state that of this session only 'Hang On to Yourself' has survived, but in fact the version that is included on that CD was recorded for the 18-01-72 session. Ironically, 'Hang On To Yourself' from the 11-01-72 session is the only BBC track from 1972 that remains unavailable. For a long time, 'Queen Bitch' and 'Waiting For The Man' were the only tracks available on bootleg; they could be found on Lost And Forgotten and later in better quality on Starman Over The Rainbow . 'Ziggy Stardust' and 'Lady Stardust' circulated only on tape, until four songs from this session were compiled on the essential The Rise And Rise Of Ziggy Stardust 4CDR set. This compilation was later copied on Nobody's Children , but mislabeled 18-01-72.

And this bootleg released in 2017  The Ultimate BBC Radio Recording Sessions 1967-2002 (BOX SET - Magic Bus MB-06)




1972-01-18 London ,Studio 5 ,Maida Vale - Sounds Of The 70's:Bob Harris - BBC Radio 1


BBC Radio 1
Recorded: 18 January 1972
Broadcast: 7 February 1972

01. Hang on to Yourself .
02. Ziggy Stardust .
03. Queen Bitch.
04. I’m Waiting For The Man .
05. Five Years .

'Ziggy Stardust' and 'Five Years' were part of the "Bowie At The Beeb" transmission. Before the NMC set leaked out, 'Queen Bitch' and 'Waiting For The Man' could be found in good quality on Starman Over The Rainbow , 'Hang On To Yourself on the BBC Sessions 1969-1972 Sampler, and the rest on A Crash Course For The Ravers . The entire session appeared (copied from the BBC masters) on The Year Of The Spiders ; on Nobody's Children it has been mislabeled 11-01-72.

And this bootleg released in 2017  The Ultimate BBC Radio Recording Sessions 1967-2002 (BOX SET - Magic Bus MB-06)


David Bowievocals and guitar;
Mick Ronsonguitar, piano and backing vocals;
Trevor Bolderbass;
Mick Woodmanseydrums.
Produced byJeff Griffin







1972-02-08 London BBC Studio - Recorded for the Old Grey Whistle Test At the BBC studio’s London -


Recorded: 8 February 1972
Broadcast: 8 February 1972

01. Oh You Pretty Things (take 1)
02. Oh You Pretty Things (take 2)
03. Queen Bitch (take 1)
04. Queen Bitch (take 2)
05. Queen Bitch (take 3)
06. Five Years


David Bowievocals ,piano and acoustic guitar
Mick Ronsonguitar, and backing vocals
Trevor Bolderbass
Mick “Woody” Woodmanseydrums


Bowie and The Spiders From Mars performed three songs on The Old Grey Whistle Test in February 1972: "Oh! You Pretty Things" - Bowie (piano), "Queen Bitch" - Bowie (acoustic guitar) and "Five Years" - Bowie (acoustic guitar), all reportedly for a payment of £50 just two days before the start of the very first Ziggy Stardust UK tour on the 10th February 1972.

All performances were shot live in the studio.  Dressed in the very same jump-suit and red boots he wore on the Ziggy Stardust album cover, and with the Spiders in silver glitter suits, they performed a tight set for the TV cameras. Bowie and the band later watched the show at home in Beckenham.However, "Oh You Pretty Things" was not to be broadcast in 1972.

Of the three songs, only "Five Years" and "Queen Bitch" were screened on 8th February 1972. Take 2 of "Oh You Pretty Things" was only broadcast for the very first time (on UK television) in 1982 - a full 10 years after recording.  In August 1999 the BBC as part of a David Bowie special also showed Take 1 where Bowie had changed the words on the third verse "The earth is a bitch" back to the second verse's "Written in pain".The BBC Master tape for this show has a total running time of 20 minutes including lead-in times."Oh! You Pretty Things" was recorded first.  Two takes were recorded.

"Queen Bitch" was recorded next.  Three takes of "Queen Bitch" were recorded due to mistakes on the first two takes.

Pre-take chatter Studio:

You ready for this?

Bowie: Yeah!

Bowie: Mick come closer with me on that microphone...

Ronson: Pardon?

Bowie: Don't sing as loud and come closer....

Ronson: Well I can't sing quiet...I will play it by ear

Studio: 30 seconds.....

Take 1 got no further than Bowie's acoustic guitar strumming and visually the camera just showed Bowie's boots.  In Take 2 of "Queen Bitch" Bowie stopped singing soon after the first verse and waved to the control room that he was ending the take. In 1997 the BBC screened this for the first time.

Post-take chatter

Bowie: Sorry!

Studio: That's alright

Bowie: Didn't like it!

Studio: You having any problems in there David?

Bowie: No problems

Studio: Shall we do it again?

Bowie: Yeah!"

Take 3 was successful and this was the performance broadcast in 1972.

Today it is considered to be the best vocal and visual performance of the three songs. "Five Years" was recorded last and in one take even though Bowie made a mistake with the lyrics.
Pre-take sound Mick Ronson plays a little piano ditty before the take begins ("Five Years" Take 1)

Post-take chatter
Bowie: That OK?
It certainly was Ok but sadly none of these excellent performances are yet commercially available.  Each however has been broadcast from time to time in various countries including the outtakes.

'Queen Bitch', 'Oh! You Pretty Things' and 'Five Years' were recorded live for BBC Television. All three songs are included on the Missing Links One Ziggy  CD. Additionally, a false start of 'Queen Bitch' is available on The Axeman Cometh , whereas the complete session plus alternate take of 'Oh! You Pretty Things' and two false starts of 'Queen Bitch' are found on Toys From The Attic .

In 2002, the complete session (including the second take of 'Oh! You Pretty Things'). And this bootleg released in 2017  The Ultimate BBC Radio Recording Sessions 1967-2002 (BOX SET - Magic Bus MB-06)




1972-04-14 London ,BBC Aeolian Hall Studio 2 - A classical performance of 'Starman'. Another TV performance


Robin Lumley plays piano with the spiders ,Featured on the bootleg Look Back In Anger LP : This performance too is available on the Best Of Bowie DVD.

BBC Top Of The Pops 
Recorded: 14 april 1972
Broadcast: 05 July 1972



David Bowievocals and acoustic guitar
Mick RonsonGuitar and Backing vocals
Trevor Bolderbass
Mick "Woody" Woodmanseydrums
Robin LumlePiano







1972-05-16 London ,Studio 4 ,Maida Vale - Sounds Of The 70's - BBC Radio 1:


BBC Radio 1
Recorded: 16 May 1972
Broadcast: 23 May 1972

01. White Light, White Heat .
02. Moonage Daydream .
03. Hang On To Yourself .
04. Suffragette City .
05. Ziggy Stardust .


David Bowievocals and guitar;
Mick Ronsonguitar and vocals;
Trevor Bolderbass
Mick Woodmanseydrums
Nicky Grahampiano


'White Light/White Heat'—"Make me sound like Lou Reed"; 'Hang On To Yourself'—"Comes to the show tonight, praying to the light machine", and Bowie sings multiple rising "Ah, ah, ah" at the end; 'Ziggy Stardust'—"Well, he played it left hand, but made it too far". 'Suffragette City' and 'Moonage Daydream' were played only once for the BBC.

This session can be found on Starman In Session , with the exception of 'Ziggy Stardust', which has officially been released on the BBC Sessions 1969-1972 SamplerThe Year Of The Spiders , Emerged From Shadows   ,Layin’ On Lectric Dreams and Nobody's Children  copied this session from the BBC 3CD set.

And this bootleg released in 2017  The Ultimate BBC Radio Recording Sessions 1967-2002 (BOX SET - Magic Bus MB-06)

All this songs appeared on Bowie At The Beeb.





1972-05-22 London ,Sudio 2 ,Aeolian Hall - The Johnnie Walker Lunchtime Show - BBC Radio 1:


BBC Radio 1
Recorded: 22 May 1972
Broadcast: 5 June 1972

01. Starman 
02. Space Oddity
03. Changes 
04. Oh! You Pretty Things


David Bowievocals and guitar
Mick Ronsonguitar and vocals
Trevor Bolderbass
Mick Woodmanseydrums
Nicky Grahampiano



Only 'Oh You Pretty Things' (on the first day) and 'Starman' (the rest of the week) were broadcast. 'Oh! You Pretty Things' first surfaced in excellent quality on Starman Over The Rainbow , 'Space Oddity' has been released on the BBC Sessions 1969-1972 Sampler, and 'Starman' and 'Changes' were first available on Starman In Session . 'Starman' was also part of the "Bowie At The Beeb" broadcast. All four songs are available on The Year Of The Spiders  and Nobody's Children .

And this bootleg released in 2017  The Ultimate BBC Radio Recording Sessions 1967-2002 (BOX SET - Magic Bus MB-06)

All this songs appeared on Bowie At The Beeb.




1972-05-23 London Studio 5 ,Maida Vale Studio 5 - Sounds Of The 70's: Bob Harris Show - BBC Radio 1


BBC Radio 1
Recorded: 23 May 1972
Broadcast: 19 June 1972 > repeatesd25 july 1972

01. Andy Warhol
02. Lady Stardust
03. White Light White Heat.
04. Rock 'n' Roll Suicide.


David Bowievocals, guitar
Mick Ronsonguitar, piano, backing vocals
Trevor Bolderbass
Mick Woodmanseydrums.
Produced byJeff Griffin


'Andy Warhol' is also found in excellent quality on A Crash Course For The Ravers .
'White Light/White Heat' and 'Rock 'N' Roll Suicide' were featured on the Bowie At The Beeb.
'Again', the complete session appeared on The Year Of The Spiders and Nobody's Children.
'All' but the last song can be found on Starman Over The Rainbow;

And this bootleg released in 2017  The Ultimate BBC Radio Recording Sessions 1967-2002 (BOX SET - Magic Bus MB-06)




1973-01-04 BBC Radio Oxford - The Jean Genie - BBC Top Of The Tops ,BBC Radio Oxford Broadcast Sometime in 2011 Interview with John Henshall about the 1973 video tape of the Jean Genie.

Sound Quality Rating


01. The Jean Genie [Audio Only].
02. Interview with John Henshall.
03. The Jean Genie [Audio again first ever broadcast].
04. Interview continued.
05. Complete in one track.
06. BBC News 1.
07. BBC News 2.
08. BBC News 3.


Label : No label
Audio Source : TV/Radio Broadcast
Lineage : Unknown
Total running time : 0:45:56
Sound Quality : Excellent quality! Equals record or radio
Artwork : None


In July 1972, David Bowie made a legendary appearance on the British music show Top of the Pops, doing a version of "Starman" that took glam rock mainstream and inspired a generation of U.K. teenagers to shoplift gender-bending clothes. Six months later, in January 1973, Bowie returned to Top of the Pops for a victory lap: a triumphant performance of "The Jean Genie." Promoting a new album, Aladdin Sane, Bowie was still dolled up in his Ziggy Stardust persona, with a crepe-style plaid jacket over his bare chest, a chain around his neck, and a shock of bright red hair. The Spiders from Mars emphasized the single's martial stomp and Bowie wailed on his harmonica like he was worried the BBC might take it away from him. "I wanted to get the same sound as the Stones had on their first album on the harmonica," Bowie once said. "I didn't get that near to it but it had a feel that I wanted – that Sixties thing." For five minutes, the Top of the Pops performance showcases the power of the interplay between Bowie and Spiders guitarist Mick Ronson. When they lean into the microphone together and sing "let yourself go," it's a command that band and audience both obey. The music to "The Jean Genie" was inspired by Bo Diddley's "I'm a Man"; Bowie wrote the song's lyrics in the New York City apartment of model-actress Cyrinda Foxe, then a publicist for his management company and later married to David Johansen of the New York Dolls and Steven Tyler of Aerosmith. But the actual subject of the song was Iggy Pop, or at least a fictionalized version of him, Bowie said. The lyrics were about somebody who "sits like a man but he smiles like a reptile." The title of the song was an homage to French novelist/dramatist Jean Genet – Bowie has told different stories over the years whether the reference was unconscious or deliberate – while the line "He's so simple-minded, he can't drive his module" would, in turn, inspire the name of the band Simple Minds. Bowie regarded "The Jean Genie" as a manifesto, not just a 45-rpm single. The following year, in a Rolling Stone interview with William S. Burroughs, Bowie said, "A song has to take on character, shape, body and influence people to an extent that they use it for their own devices. It must affect them not just as a song, but as a lifestyle." Bowie's Top of the Pops performance of the song gave viewers a wide range of lifestyle choices, from his shiny earring to the lyric "strung out on lasers and slash-back blazers" to the alarming haircut of bassist Trevor Bolder. But at some point after the broadcast on January 4th, 1973, the BBC wiped the tape to save money. The performance would never have been seen again – except that cameraman John Henshall had employed an unusual fisheye lens of his own invention. Wanting the "Jean Genie" footage for his professional reel, he had retained a videotape copy. It remained in his personal collection, unseen for 38 years, when he discovered that his copy was the only one in existence. "I just couldn't believe that I was the only one with it," Henshall said. "I just thought you wouldn't be mad enough to wipe a tape like that."





David Bowie's lost 1973 Top of the Pops performance of The Jean Genie



David Bowie's lost 1973 performance of The Jean Genie - BBC News explains the discovery   Musicians David Bowie vocals, guitar Mick Ronson guitar, piano, backing vocals Trevor Bolder bass Mick Woodmansey drums.

1979-05-12 David Bowie on Star Special BBC Radio One –


BBC Radio 1
Recorded: 12 may 1979
Broadcast: 20 may 1979

Cast your mind back to 1979, a time before Internet radio, Twitter, Tumblr, and other social networks beginning with the letter T. And now imagine that you’d never heard the Velvet Underground, Talking Heads, Blondie, Roxy Music, hell, even Bruce Springsteen—all of whom were just beginning to break through to mainstream consciousness. Now imagine your introduction to these artists comes from none other than Ziggy Stardust himself—or the Thin White Duke—David Bowie, immersed in his Berlin period and recording a trilogy of albums that together arguably represent the best work of his career. That would be something, wouldn’t it?Perhaps some of you don’t have to imagine. If you had tuned into BBC Radio One on May, 20 of that year, you would have heard David Bowie DJ his own two hour show, “Star Special,” playing his favorite records and jovially chatting up his audience. “There are some famous names here,” says an announcer introducing Bowie’s show, “some you’ve never heard of before.” Bowie laughs at his own jokes, and obviously takes great pleasure in sharing so many then-obscure artists. “You can hear that deep need to show,” writes Dangerous Minds, “to bring listeners something new, in every word Bowie utters.” He doesn’t mind bringing them his own new stuff either, playing “Boys Keep Swinging” and “Yassassin” from that year’s Lodger.

Recorded: 12 May 1979
Broadcast: 20 May 1979


01. Plays The Doors: ‘Love Street’.

“A commanding performer, I remember seeing him once at… erm… I think it was the Roundhouse, when they came to London the first time… I believe I’m right… somebody else that erm… I think is working at the Roundhouse over the next few weeks… a buddy of mine, Iggy Pop, this is just something I remember with affection because it’s when I was with him on tour playing piano for him this one’s called ‘TV Eye’.”

02. Plays Iggy Pop: ‘TV Eye’.

“Also on piano is a gentleman… I think, a really despondent track… erm… he’d left his band, and he was doing his first solo album.. I found it rivetingly depressing, I really enjoyed playing it to myself, it’s called ‘Remember’ by John Lennon… very good piano, I think it’s Billy Preston actually.”

03. Plays John Lennon: ‘Remember’.

(chuckle)… “Right… let’s play ‘Love Street’ again ha ha no ha ha growing up and being angry, that’s what this one is all about erm ’96 Tears by Question Mark and The Mysterions which nobody has in their record collections ha ha… yes, they’ve actually got it here… good old Beeb.”

04. Plays ? and The Mysterions: ’96 Tears’.

“That’s an extraordinary piece of music… umm… there was another incredible one by 13th Floor Elevators… I can’t remember that one very well… around the same period I think… I guess some Punk freak will correct me on that one… erm… this is a Punk that I sorta grew… I was incredibly impressed by this one when I first heard it it was a real use of music in describing a situation musically… erm… and it’s also nice and short, but it’s classical music. It’s very good… it’s des… well you see what it describes… it’s by Elgar.”

05. Plays Elgar: ‘Nursery Suite’ (extract).

“It was in fact a wagon… I expect you guessed, didn’t you? Ha. It was from the Nursery suite, oh and here’s another nursery song… erm, this one’s interesting because I thought it was a extraordinary thing to use numbers as backing vocals, I really liked that idea and I just heard it again but here’s the first one I heard, it’s ‘Inchworm’ by Danny Kaye.”

06. Plays Danny Kaye: ‘Inchworm’.

“Okay so that’s one use of numbers, but if you want to get very modern there’s a chappie called Philip Glass… listen how he uses numbers… I think probably his music could point to a particular direction that music may be… oh some aspects of music maybe going at the moment… this is from an Opera that he wrote which is about erm fifteen and a half years long and they put some selections out from this album called ‘Einstein On The Beach’ and this particular piece is called Trial – Prison and there is a lovely little narration in it by a one of the singers… it’ll be on the left hand side of the speaker if you’ve got stereo, on the right hand side if you’ve got ’em plugged in the wrong way round.”

07. Plays Philip Glass: ‘Trial Prison’.

“First single that I heard when I first went to America, on the first day that I got there was in New York and I was taken over to a writers apartment that he had in probably on 8th Avenue somewhere and he played me a new album that had just come out and he was very excited about this track and so was I.”

08. Plays Velvet Underground: ‘Sweet Jane’.

“From the sublime to the ridiculous Brian Eno put together a compilation album of four new bands from America, one of them called ‘Mars’ I’m not particularly fond of much of the album but this one piece of music bowled me over, I think it’s superb, it’s called Helen Fordsdale.”

09. Plays Mars: ‘Helen Fordsdale’.

“How about that lot, it reminds me of ah I think its Minnie from the Goon Show, doesn’t it you?? Helen Fordsdale (done in Goons accent). Ha ha it’s the most eccentric voice I’ve heard in years, it’s incredible erm oh oh this is quite absurd as well… guess who this is?? erm this is called ‘He’s A Star’… I think I got the title right… I couldn’t believe this when I first heard it.”

10. Plays Little Richard: ‘He’s My Star’.

“That was Little Richard… That’s a far cry isn’t it? He had this strange thing where he threw all his rings and everything away and became a preacher for a little bit and this was an outcome of that when he started doing gospel music and church music but how he changed his voice like that I must have given up something else I think erm… this is er… if you fancy yourself as a schizophrenic I think this becomes ya theme song I used to love this one… 21st Century Schizoid Man by young Robert Fripp’s very exciting band King Crimson.”

11. Plays King Crimson: ’21st Century Schizoid Man’.

“Here’s a band I admire very much, some very charming people, David Byrne in particular we’re talking about ‘Talking Heads’ of course um, here’s a track from, I think it was their last album ‘More Songs About Buildings And Food’ I found this very impressive it took me back actually to the early days of The Yardbirds I don’t know why it’s called ‘Warning Sign’.”

12. Plays Talking Heads: ‘Warning Sign’.

“Yardbirds of course leads in very beautifully to Jeff Beck… this was a piece of music he wrote and I think they must have done it in about four and a half minutes because it really sounds like it was thrown together, but like all classics it just it still shoots out of the speakers, it’s called Becks Bolero.”

13. Plays Jeff Beck: ‘Becks Bolero’.

“Here’s a song that made me fall in love with the singer, absolutely incredible… my heart went straight out to her and it was produced by Phil Spector. I maybe wrong but I think it’s the last single he ever made because he was so depressed that it didn’t do anything, that nobody bought it erm which is quite ironic really ‘cos the title was ‘Try Some, Buy Some’ by his ex wife Ronnie Spector.”

14. Plays Ronnie Spector: ‘Try Some, Buy Some’.

“Here’s a guy that probably did as much for the early 70, sound in England as did Spector for the 60’s sound in America erm single handedly changed an awful lot of what was happening soundwise in England its my old buddy Marc Bolan and 20th Century Boy, which he always will be.”

15. Plays T-Rex: ’20th Century Boy’.

“Okay here’s some guys that followed in the tradition of what young Marc was going down I s’pose… they’re called ‘The Mekons’ I hope they gig a lot they deserve to with this track it’s called ‘Where Were You’… has a beautiful sort of Velvet Underground top guitar over it.”

16. Plays The Mekons: ‘Where Were You’.

“There’s a new singer… I don’t know if he’s a new singer. He’s probably as… dad’s heard him for years but I mean… he’s new to me anyway, his name’s Steve Forbert, and this is a track from his new album, I like it particularly ‘cos one of my old band is on it, Dave Sanborn is playing saxophone on it, it’s called ‘Big City Cat’.”

17. Plays Steve Forbert: ‘Big City Cat’.

(hums the outro to ‘Big City Cat’) ” Running out of things to play you… oh no, I tell ya what… this is another kind of love song also by ‘The Stones’… erm this one’s called ‘We Love You’… I’m sure they mean it!!

18. Plays The Rolling Stones: ‘We Love You’.

“Another very deserving band… this one… I think this also caught everybody’s imagination, especially if you liked Humphrey Bogart it was called ‘2HB’… very clever pun isn’t it? Isn’t that a clever pun? and it’s by Roxy Music.”

19. Plays Roxy Music: ‘2HB’.

“You see ha! If you’re an artist ha! 2HB is a pencil you see, 2HB!! D’ya get it?!! HB means Humphrey Bogart… That’s a pun!! ’tis… that’s a pun!!!… Roxy Music thought that up!! Erm… here’s a great writer… um… I don’t like very much what he’s doing now… I loved this album when it came out, it was on Asbury Park… erm Bruce Springsteen and after I heard this track I never rode the subway again… it’s called ‘Saint In The City’.”

20. Plays Bruce Springsteen: ‘Saint In The City’.

“That really scared the living ones out of me that… here’s one that also scared me ‘cos it was so incredibly adventurous at the time when it was released erm… it’s by Stevie Wonder and it’s a startling piece called ‘Fingertips’.”

21. Plays Stevie Wonder: ‘Fingertips’.

“Let’s bring back the good weather again… let’s try very hard anyway… erm… now what can we do that with.. I think we can probably do it… let’s leave it to Blondie… a little up-tempo thing called ‘Rip Her To Shreds’.”

22. Plays Blondie: ‘Rip Her To Shreds’.

“How about that then?… lovely little Debbie … it’s gotta good hook… as Kierkegaard used to say ha ha!! ‘Has it got a good hook’… sad that one… really quite sad… I’m sorry that so many of these are quite sad.. it must say something about… aah it’s the weather you know, it’s the weather… either that or it’s these shoes… really hurt… aa erm me toes hurt inbetween… I… er… got these strange sort of Japanese sandals on… and er… they hurt your toes in there… anyway, it’s not hurting the music… it doesn’t worry you does it?? Does it worry you?? Okay. This one’s called ‘Beautiful Loser’ and it’s by Bob Seger.”

23. Plays Bob Seger: ‘Beautiful Loser’.

“Now I’m not sure about that one erm… I think… I think it’s quite nice… I only played it ‘cos its got the word ‘Lodger’ in it and that’s my new album title… erm but you don’t have to worry ’bout that, that’s just an ego problem… erm here’s a track from my album and it’s called ‘Boys’”.

24. Plays David Bowie: ‘Boys Keep Swinging’.

“Now that song really does have a problem… ha ha!! It really does have a problem um well whilst we’re still on the same subject here’s one that I wrote… I started writing this thing in Berlin… erm and I ended up finishing this thing in New York… it’s gotta sorta Turkish quality to it..erm… I find it quite hypnotic, I think it’s one of my favourite tracks on the album, it’s called ‘Yassassin’.”

25. Plays David Bowie: ‘Yassassin’.

“Yassassin, if it’s of any interest to you means ‘long life’ in Turkish. I didn’t know that, I had to phone up the Turkish Embassy and find out what it meant, I read it on a wall… I read most things on a wall… I read Kierkegaard on a wall… Ha!!… He speaks highly of me as well… ha ha ha ha!!! Erm… oh well as we’re talking about books and things, here’s ‘The Book I Read’ by Talking Heads.”

26. Plays Talking Heads: ‘The Book I Read’.

“That’s Talking Heads… see they’re different to me, I mean they actually go and read the books… they’ve never read any walls… I’ve read them on a wall though… next to Kierkegaard… erm… here’s a smashing Roxy Music track called ‘For Your Pleasure’… and I love the ‘ta-ra’ at the end… it’s a beautiful gesture.”

27. Plays Roxy Music: ‘For Your Pleasure’.

“I saw them in concert the other week in New York, it was very good… any of you see it??… the new show… I… I’m quite pleased they reformed. Their bass player is very good, awfully good bass player… he jumps very well… they got a good jumping bass player ya know, Roxy Music… excellent… one of the best little jumpers I’ve seen… this is erm… this is a mess… no… this is erm a track by King Curtis who is a fine musician, I hope you enjoy it, it’s called ‘Something On Your Mind’.”

28. Plays King Curtis: ‘Something On Your Mind’.

“And here are three girls who’ve got a very musical dad… and er one of the girls is very sexy and I keep playing her records over and over again when I’m on my own… erm it’s The Staple Singers and it’s called ‘Lies’.”

29. Plays Staple Singers: ‘Lies’.

“Now she breathes very well doesn’t she?” (Bowie sings) Lies… I mean the Roxy Music guy jumps better, but she can really breathe… she does a good breathe… well I’m afraid I can’t find anymore to play so erm… I’m going to erm… I brought three of these records along myself by the way… erm I’ll tell you which ones I brought along ‘cos I knew they wouldn’t have them here… it’s not their fault… shops were closed… erm… I bought ‘The Mekons – Where Were You’… that’s mine… ‘Philip Glass – Einstein On The Beach’… that’s mine as well… and erm the No New York album with the wonderful ‘Mars’ track… that’s mine as well… thought I’d let you know that I’m going out to write my name on a wall now… …maybe I’ll meet you at the wall Ha! Ha! Backs to the walls chaps!!… ok… ta-ra…”

[Outro music begins – ‘Speed Of Life’ from ‘Low’]



[mixcloud https://www.mixcloud.com/surrealmodfather/david-bowie-star-special-radio-show-bbc-radio-one-20th-may-1979/ width=100% height=60 hide_cover=1 mini=1]

1991-08-13 London ,Studio 5 ,Maida Vale - Mark Goodier's Evening Show Session - BBC Radio 1:


BBC Radio 1
Recorded: 13 August 1991
Broadcast: 13 August 1991


  • Introduction and Interview
  • A Big Hurt
  • Interview
  • Baby Universal
  • Stateside
  • If There Is Something
  • Heaven’s In Here


David Bowievocals and guitar.
Reeves Gabrelsguitar and backing vocals
Tony Salesbass and backing vocals
Hunt Sales:drums and backing vocals.
Producer:Mike Robinson



And this bootleg released in 2017  The Ultimate BBC Radio Recording Sessions 1967-2002 (BOX SET – Magic Bus MB-06)







1993-05-xx Studio London Broadcast may 1993 ,Producer Kevin Howlett ,Presenter Paul Gambaccini ,Studio London:


A six episode six hour documentary written by Peter Frame en Kevin Howlett ,Prencented by Paul Gambaccini:

The David Bowie Story part 1 . The Apprenticeship
The David Bowie Story part 2 . One Man Against The World
The David Bowie Story part 3 . Fame
The David Bowie Story part 4 . Don’t Normalise It
The David Bowie Story part 5 . Out Of Characters ,Into Suits
The David Bowie Story part 6 . Falling Down ,Standing Up




1997-01-07 New York City ,Studio Instrument Rentals Studios - ChangesNowBowie - BBC Radio 1


Recorded in New York during the rehearsals for the Birthday Benefit Concert

BBC Radio 1
Recorded: 7 November 1996
Broadcast: 8 January 1997


01. The Man Who Sold the World.
02. The Supermen.
03. Andy Warhol.
04. Repetition.
05. Lady Stardust.
06. White Light/ White Heat.
07. Shopping For Girls.
08. Quicksand.
09. Aladdin Sane.

While rehearsing for his 50th birthday spectacle at Madison Square Garden, Bowie recorded a few songs for a BBC broadcast to be aired on his birthday. With only Gail Ann Dorsey and Reeves Gabrels accompanying him (with some keyboards and drums added later by Mark Plati), he went through an inspired set, ranging across three decades. It was, for me, a finer celebration of his life than the at-times overblown Madison Garden show.
“ChangesNowBowie,” BBC Radio One, aired 8 January 1997 (recorded ca. 4-6 January 1997).

These Bowie classics can be found on Divine Symmetry  or The Earthling Chronicles .

And this bootleg released in 2017  The Ultimate BBC Radio Recording Sessions 1967-2002 (BOX SET – Magic Bus MB-06)


David Bowievocals
Reeves Gabrelsguitar
Gail-Ann Dorseybass and guitar
Mike Garsonpiano
Zachary Alforddrums






1999-10-25 London ,Studio 4 ,Maida Vale - The Mark and Lard Show - BBC Radio 1


Excellent interviews with Mark Radcliffe  & Mark Riley

BBC Radio 1
Recorded: 25 October 1999
Broadcast: 25 October 1999

01. Studio Chat.
02. Survive.
03. Studio Chat.
04. Drive In Saturday.flac
05. Studio Chat.
06. Intro.
07. Something In The Air.
08. Studio Chat.
09. Can’t Help Thinking About Me.
10. Repetition.


David Bowievocals and acoustic guitar.
Page Hamiltonguitar.
Gail Ann Dorseybass.
Mark Platirhythm/acoustic guitar
Mike Garsonkeyboards
Sterling Campbelldrums
Holly Palmerbacking vocals
Emm Grynerbacking vocals


This bootleg released in 2017  The Ultimate BBC Radio Recording Sessions 1967-2002 (BOX SET – Magic Bus MB-06)





1999-10-25 London ,Sudio 4 ,Maida Vale - The Saturday Music Mix – BBC Radio 2


BBC Radio 2
Recorded: 25 October 1999
Broadcast: 6 November 1999

01. Interview with Billy Bragg .flac
02. Survive .flac
03. China Girl .flac


The Billy Bragg segment comes just after Bowie performed at NetAid in October 1999, they have a casual conversation about his career and there are some studio tracks intertwined in the 20 minute interview. Bowie seems more at ease with a fellow musician versus the comedic DJ and interviewer. Bowie then performs Survive and China Girl live in Studio 4 Maida Vale. Both songs are lush sounding and superbly played, and the sound quality is excellent.
Recorded just after ‘The Mark And Lard Show’

David Bowievocals and acoustic guitar.
Page Hamiltonguitar.
Gail Ann Dorseybass.
Mark Platirhythm/acoustic guitar
Mike Garsonkeyboards
Sterling Campbelldrums
Holly Palmerbacking vocals
Emm Grynerbacking vocals






1999-11-29 London - Later with Jools Holland - BBC2


Producer Chris Whatmoug

Recorded: 29 November 1999
Broadcast: 4 December 1999

00. INTRO (2 min)
04. CRACKED ACTOR (not broadcast on TV)
05. I’M AFRAID OF AMERICANS (not broadcast on TV)




2000-06-27 London ,BBC Radio Theatre ,Broadcasting House - Bowie At The BBC Radio Theatre - BBC Sessions ,BBC Radio 1


BBC Radio 1
Recorded: 27 June 2000
Attendance: 300

  • Wild Is The Wind
  • Ashes To Ashes
  • Seven
  • This Is Not America
  • Absolute Beginners
  • Always Crashing In The Same Car
  • Survive
  • The London Boys
  • I Dig Everything
  • Little Wonder
  • The Man Who Sold The World
  • Fame
  • Stay
  • Hallo Spaceboy
  • Cracked Actor
  • I’m Afraid Of Americans
  • Ziggy Stardust
  • The Jean Genie (instrumental)
  • All The Young Dudes
  • Starman
  • Heroes
  • Let’s Dance


David Bowievocals and acoustic guitar.
Earl SlickGuitar
Gail Ann Dorseybass
Mark Platirhythm/acoustic guitar
Mike Garsonkeyboards; Sterling Campbell: drums
Holly Palmer:backing vocals.
Emm Grynerbacking vocals.


Toys From The Attic  features the other tracks (including false starts of ‘Ziggy Stardust’ and ‘All The Young Dudes’), taken from an audience recording.

THE BOOTLEGS (incl. Video)

David Bowie 2000-06-27 London ,BBC Radio Theatre ,Portland Place - BBC Radio Theatre 27th June 2000 - (BBC Broadcast)
David Bowie 2000-06-27 London ,BBC Radio Theatre ,Portland Place – BBC Radio Theatre 27th June 2000 – (BBC Broadcast)
David Bowie 2000-06-27 BBC Radio Theatre (59 minutes) footage includes:
David Bowie 2000-06-27 BBC Radio Theatre (59 minutes) footage includes:

2000-10-25 London ,BBC Studios – BBC Sessions – Marc & Lard Radio Show at the BBC Studios


BBC Radio 1


01.  Can’t Help Thinking About Me







2002-09-18 London ,Studio 3 Maida Vale - Live & Exclusive  - BBC Sessions – BBC Radio 2


BBC Radio 2 Recorded: 18 September 2002 Broadcast: 5 October 2002 01. Sunday 02. Look Back In Anger 03. Cactus 04. Survive 05. 5:15 The Angels Have Gone 06. Alabama Song 07. Everyone Says Hi 08. Rebel Rebel 09. The Bewlay Brothers 10. Heathen (The Rays) (Bowie)

David Bowie:vocals and acoustic guitar
Earl Slickguitar
Gerry Leonardguitar
Gail Ann Dorseybass
Mark Platirhythm/acoustic guitar;
Mike Garsonkeyboards;
Sterling Campbelldrums
Catherine Russel:percussion, keyboards.

Back At The Beeb > Label 100%Welsh -KG CD-21. An Evening With David Bowie > Released in 2002 an is not on Label. And this bootleg released in 2017  The Ultimate BBC Radio Recording Sessions 1967-2002 (BOX SET – Magic Bus MB-06)   THE BOOTLEGS  


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