David Bowie 1991-12-06 Cleveland,OH,USA,Tin Machine at the Agora Metropolitan, Cleveland,OH,USA (off master)

David Bowie 1991-12-06 Cleveland

David Bowie 1991-12-06 Cleveland, OH, USA (off master)

Bus Stop
Heaven’s In Here
Crack City
I Can’t Read
You Belong In Rock’n’Roll I’m Sorry
A Big Hurt
Betty Wrong
Betty Wrong
Goodbye Mr Ed
One Shot
Go Now
Under The God
Baby Universal
If There Is Something

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1 thought on “David Bowie 1991-12-06 Cleveland,OH,USA,Tin Machine at the Agora Metropolitan, Cleveland,OH,USA (off master)”

  1. I remember working this show as a stagehand for belkin productions. They gave me the the opportunity to drive David from the ritz Carlton hotel to the show and back. Manager in passenger seat David in between us in the van where he was generous enough to sign my backstage pass. Nice man very soft spoken, rather small. Gentleman. Louie lights

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Tin Machine 1991-11-20 Boston ,The Orpheum (WBCN FM) – After Dark – David Bowie 1991-12-07 Chicago,IL,USA,Tin Machine at the Riviera Theatre, Chicago,IL,USA (IL FM feed – 24bit)