David Bowie 1997-08-08-09 Dublin ,Olympia Theatre – Dame Meditation – SQ 8,5

David Bowie 1997-08-08-09 Dublin ,Olympia Theatre - Dame Meditation - SQ 8,5

David Bowie 1997-08-08-09 Dublin ,Olympia Theatre – Dame Meditation –  
Sound Quality Rating

8th August 1997
101. Quicksand.flac
102. The Man Who Sold the World.flac
103. Queen Bitch.flac
104. Waiting For The Man.flac
105. Jean Genie – Band Introductions.flac
106. I’m Afraid Of Americans.flac
107. Battle For Britain.flac
108. Fashion.flac
109. Seven Years In Tibet.flac
110. Fame.flac
111. Outside.flac
112. Stay.flac
113. Looking For Satellites.flac
114. Under Pressure.flac
201. The Heart’s Filthy Lesson.flac
202. Hallo Spaceboy.flac
203. Scary Monsters.flac
204. Little Wonder.lac
205. The Last Thing You Should Do.flac
206. Dead Man Walking.flac
207. Telling Lies.flac
208. White Light White Heat.flac
209. O Superman.flac
210. V2-Schneider.flac
211. Look Back In Anger.flac
212. All The Young Dudes.flac

9th August 1997
301. Quicksand.flac
302. The Man Who Sold the World.flac
303. Waiting For The Man.flac
304. Jean Genie.flac
305. I’m Afraid Of Americans.flac
306. Battle For Britain.flac
307. Fashion.flac
308. Seven Years In Tibet.flac
309. Fame.flac
310. Outside.flac
311. Stay.flac
312. Looking For Satellites.flac
313. Under Pressure.flac
314. The Heart’s Filthy Lesson.flac
401. Hallo Spaceboy.flac
402. Scary Monsters.flac
403. Little Wonder.lac
404. Pallas Athena.flac
405. Dead Man Walking.flac
406. The Last Thing You Should Do.flac
407. White Light White Heat.flac
408. O Superman.flac
409. V2-Schneider.flac
410. The Voyeur of Utter Destruction (As Beauty).flac
411. Moonage Daydream.flac

Label : No label > From The 100& British Archives – HBDB001-1
Audio Source : Audience recording
Lineage : Unknown
Taping Gear : Unknown
Taper: Unknown
Recording Location: Unknown
Total running time : 4:43:58
Sound Quality : Good. Equals record or radio/TV apart from a slight noise and some dullness.Attendance 1997-08-08 : Unknown
Attendance 1997-08-09 : Unknown
Artwork : None


REVIEW: Kevin Courtne
Like Major Tom in the song, David Bowie has been lost in his own space for the past few years, but with his new album, Earthling, the Thin White Duke is trying to make his way back to solid ground, using drum ‘n’ bass as his landing vehicle. He’s got a lot to prove, and at the Olympia last night he made a very compulsive case for the rehabilitation of Ziggy Stardust.
Bowie chose his own song, Changes, as the intro music, and he reacquainted the audience with the old Bowie by taking out an acoustic guitar and doing a straight-strumming version of Quicksand.
Bowie wore sandals and white shirt, looking as he did on the Let’s Dance video, but sounding much less anodyne. The stage was backed by a cloth screen on which video images were projected in triplicate – a kind of miniature, avant-garde version of the PopMart screen.
“Have you got a few minutes?” asked Bowie with a mischievous grin, watched by his wife, Iman, who was sitting in one of the boxes. “I’d like to spend some time with you.” A drum ‘n’ bass version of The Man Who Sold The World signalled the start of a 2½ hour set, and Queen Bitch reassured everybody that Bowie wasn’t going to ignore his back catalogue.
The Jean Genie started out as a slow blues refrain, while I ‘m Waiting For My Man was a Velvet Underground goldmine. Having sweetened the audience with a little gold-dust, Bowie and band launched into two of Earthling’s better tunes, I’m Afraid Of Americans and Battle For Britain (The Letter), and the big surprise was how good these new songs sounded live.
Fans of the old stuff might have left by [THE ENCORE], but the rest of us were rewarded with an incendiary encore, topped off by a drum ‘n’ bass take on Laurie Anderson’s O Superman, with vocals by Dorsey.
Bowie whipped out the sax for an equally radical V-2 Schneider, and then alleviated the shock of the new with a raucous finale of All The Young Dudes. Bowie at 50 – still carrying the news.

David Bowie – Stage Banter (2nd night, Dublin 1997)

David Bowie – Queen Bitch (Dublin 1997)

David Bowie Tour band 1997 Earthling Tour
Superb Bowie Performance From The Earthling Tour. David Bowie’s 20th studio album was originally released in February 1997 on Arista Records. Earthling showcased an electronica-influenced sound partly inspired by the industrial and drum and bass culture of the 1990s. It was the first album Bowie self-produced since 1974’s Diamond Dogs.
The Earthling Tour started on 7 June 1997 at Flughafen Blankensee in Lübeck, Germany, continuing through Europe and North America before reaching a conclusion in Buenos Aires, Argentina on 7 November 1997. On August 14, ‘97, Bowie performed at Hungary’s Student Island Festival in Budapest, where he put on a quite extraordinary show, accompanied as he was by Reeves Gabrels on guitar, Gail Ann Dorsey on bass, Zack Alford on drums and Mike Garson on keyboards. Playing just a few tracks from the new record plus a fine selection of back catalogue gems, the entire show was broadcast, both across Eastern Europe and indeed in the US too on selected FM stations. Previously unreleased this remarkable gig is now available on this priceless CD for the first time..

The Tour band
David Bowie: vocals
Reeves Gabrels: guitar, backing vocals
Gail Ann Dorsey: bass guitar, vocals
Zachary Alford: drums
Mike Garson: keyboards, backing vocals
Mike Garson: keyboards,


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1 thought on “David Bowie 1997-08-08-09 Dublin ,Olympia Theatre – Dame Meditation – SQ 8,5”

  1. I was at one of those shows. The best because such an intimate arena.
    I got two returned tickets the day before and brought my now late uncle. I was the bowie fan but he was a 60s 70s 80s music aficionado and loved it. One of my most cherished memories.
    Thank you DB

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