David Bowie 1976-03-23 New York ,Nassau Coliseum (Soundboard) – SQ 9

David Bowie 1976-03-23 New York ,Nassau Coliseum (Soundboard) - SQ 9

David Bowie 1976-03-23 New York ,Nassau Coliseum (Soundboard).
Sound Quality Rating

03. FAME.flac
04. WORD ON A WING.flac
05. STAY.flac
07. QUEEN BITCH.flac
08. LIFE ON MARS.flac
09. FIVE YEARS.flac
11. CHANGES.flac
12. TVC 15.flac
14. REBEL REBEL.flac

Label: No label
Audio Source: Soundboard
Lineage: Soundboard > XM radio > Edirol R-09 > Magix audio cleaning lab
Total running time: 1:22:15
Sound Quality : very good. Equals record or radio apart from a slight noise and some dullness
Attendance: 16.500
Artwork: None.

It begins with the intro to Station to Station with Stacy Heydon raising hell on his guitar,reducing it to matchwood I bet! The audience is in a permanent frenzy; its sound is overwhelming. This version of Station to Station is a very long one (11:47 min) and when Bowie comes on this is marked by surges of roars.
Word on a Wing is beautifully sung,really splendid,and Stay is not bad at all.
The version of Panic in Detroit is incredible! This is sheer splendour. This is the best live version ever made of the number. Stacy Heydon’s guitar intro is a bliss and Bowie’s singing is great,but the one who really steals the show is Dennis Davis who releases a terrific drum solo while with his mouth and lips he produces the most extraordinary sounds! Absolutely incredible! Dennis Davis pounds out of his drums a 13:12 minutes version of the number.
The audience love it and join in happily when Den­nis Davis invites them to clap along with him. Then Dennis gives a couple of raps on a cow’s bell and that is the sign for the rest of the band to join in again and close the number. So Heydon starts ramming his guitar again and the end is a perfect sequence of short,vigourous solos by each member of the band; Carlos Alo­mar also produces a fine piece of guitar work. “And that’s that” Bowie says after the band intro,“And in the red shirt …my name’s David Bowie,and this is called Changes , Hi”. Bowie must suddenly laugh while singing the first line,why I can’t tell.
A strong,lengthy version of Jean Genie is the last of this tape.

The Tour Band – The Station To Station Tour
• David Bowie – Vocals, saxophone
• Carlos Alomar – Rhythm guitar, music director,backing vocals
• Stacy Heydon – Lead guitar, backing vocals
• George Murray – Bass guitar, backing vocals
• Dennis Davis – Drums, percussion
• Tony Kaye – Keyboards
The band became known as “Raw Moon”

• Vern Moose Constan, Rob Joyce – Band technicians/personnel
• Lonnie McKenzie, Leroy Kerr, Lester Burton, Buddy Prewitt, Larry Sizemore – Lighting technicians/personnel
• Buford Jones, Scott Wadsworth – Sound technicians/personnel

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